
Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Newsarma: talks to Alex Alonso about the upcoming changes in the Marvel Knight line.

Apparently Hulk will be made a Marvel Knight title, with no changes to the series what so ever.

If there's no changes to the books, why the hell does he feel the need to move them?

(proper update later on, will be going to the post office to get my comics.)

Sunday, January 04, 2004

For those of you browsing Warren Ellis' DiePunyHumans none of this will be new, for those who doesn't, here's some music I like.

Singapore Sling got a weird sound. Sorta rock, sorta something else and all alternative. It's pretty good.

Noisegate Got a very weird sound. Still undecided whether I like them or not. Fairly sure that I do.

Young People is a weird experience, not bad. Definitely not bad. There's four samples at their site, most of which are pretty enjoyable. I keep picturing Bjork with some alternative rock band, could just be me though.
The Pulse posts an article with comic pros about the previous year and the next year.
Nothing too special really, just the ordinary stuff.
Except this line from Mark Waid:
What are you most looking forward to in 2004? Buying my Big Macs from Bill Jemas.

And here we were told there was no bad blood between Mark Waid and anyone at Marvel... ;)

Thursday, December 18, 2003

DC comics in March:

BATMAN #625:: The "Broken City" arc comes to an end. As I've mentioned before this is a good arc. Or more preciesely, it has good dialogue, strong charactrization and great art, I just realised I couldn't care less about the actual story, the mystery of the murder and all that.

BATMAN: GOTHAM KNIGHTS #51: "Guest-starring a trio of Batman¹s greatest foes: Hush, The Riddler and The Joker". Hush is one of Batman's greatest foes?
He has excisted in a little over a year and he's one of Batman's greatest foes? If Hush hadn't been hyped as much as it was, it wouldn't even have been special. NOTHING special happened in that story whatsoever, well maybe that the Riddler was turned into a bigger foe, but that's it.
Bah, bumhug.

BATMAN/POISON IVY: CAST SHADOWS: Ann Nocenti returns to comics with this prestige format one shot. The basic idea sounds interesting actually, but unless I find an extremely well paying job, I won't buy this.

SUPERMAN/BATMAN #8: judging from the solicitation this will either turn out piss poor or actually pretty good. The whole "is she good or bad?" thing has been way over done, and I'm willing to bet that she'll start out good, then turn bad, then possibly turn good again. Or maybe the other way around.

DC: THE NEW FRONTIER #3: I really hope to pick up the trade of this when it comes out, can't afford it at the moment it looks really good.

THE FLASH #208: Zoom returns, or at least his wife talks to him at the hospital. I am really looking forward to seeing Howard Porter drawing Flash again, he did a great job in the pages of JLA.

GREEN ARROW #36: got my favorite cover of the month from DC. And with Phil Hester and Ande Parks back on art with this arc, it will turn out good. I hope.

IT'S A BIRD... HC: Steven Seagle has done a great job at hyping this book, and I have bought into it. I looks somewhat interesting, but as you probably already know, I got no cash. Oh well, maybe sometime in the future.

THE LOSERS #10: I continue to enjoy this series, so this new arc should be interesting.

THE SANDMAN PRESENTS: THESSALY -- WITCH FOR HIRE #2: Okay, I got to find money for this. With Fetch returning as well, how could I NOT buy this?

SWAMP THING #1: Swamp Thing returns. Must admit I've never read a single issue of swamp thing, so I won't be picking this up. Still worth mentioning though, would've thought it had been hyped already actually.

Y: THE LAST MAN #20: and another issue of this great series. This arc sounds interesting, shall be fun to see it played out.

Noticed that John Byrne drew 3 issues this month, two JLA books and Hawkman, most impressive actually.

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Just got back from the cinema.
Watched the Lord of the Rings marathon. All three movies. Which means that, excluding breaks, I was in the cinema for roughly 10 hours.

Not to say it wasn't worth it. It was.

I had of course already seen Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers, but it was nice to see all three in one go.

Return of the King was great, but we all knew it would be.

*Spoilers from here*

It was VERY cool watching Legolas take down an oliphant all by himself.

Actually all of the fight at Minas Tirith was great, but I kept having this feeling "this was definitely meant to last longer. This is going to rock in the extended version".

Not too fond of the ending though, I honestly think it lasted 30 minutes, with NO action what so ever and the scenes were really too long.

But overall I really liked it, won't see it again until the DVD comes out though.

(oh yeah, :P I got to see it before all you Americans :P First time in a while I've been happy to live in Denmark, we're at least 6 hours ahead of you guys.)

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

I'm running amok with entries today...

Everybody needs to read Suburban Tribe. A fun online webcomic by John Lee. New story arc starting today.

The strip is updated daily from Monday to Friday.
New Comics:

So I got my month worth of comics today, somehow my retailer had managed to put 3 titles I did not order between them...

A quick rundown with a quick review:

Runaways#7: Got this with the Marvel Previews, pretty good read. I like the art. 7/10

Ruule#1: This was one of the three I didn't order but he sent me anyway. Wasn't half bad and is sold pretty damn cheap for a 48 pages prestige series. 7/10

Inhumans#7: Another of the comics he sent me by mistake.
And DAMN am I glad he did! Best issue for the entire month. I REALLY got to find a job so I can add this to my pull list. 10/10

JLA-Z#2-3: Helped a bit on my knowledge of the DC universe, though I apparently knew much more than I thought... 6/10

1602#4: Always a good read. Something actually happens this issue, next issue shall prove most interesting. 8/10

Punisher#35-36: I love Ennis' Punisher, although it has been going downhill lately. This arc has been fun though and reading his plans about Punisher MAX, I will continue buying this title. Though it is one of the titles I am most likely to drop... 8/10

Hulk#63: Things're looking up a bit, I'm at least going to finish this arc and see where that takes me. This is the book I'm most likely to drop. 7/10

Green Arrow#32: Always a good read. Very glad to see Connor and Roy didn't put on the costumes once and that there were no stupid villain to show up. Nice fill in art. 9/10

Batman#621: Really liking this new arc. The pacing is just right, not too fast and not too slow. 9/10

Y - The Last Man#16: Great issue as always. Great cliffhanger as always. And nice fill in art. 9/10

Wildguard#3: Great read. I really hope that this will at least spawn another mini series, or maybe even an ongoing title. 9/10

The Losers#6: Nice conclusion, to a good arc. Good art and great pacing. 9/10

JLA/Avengers#3: great art and good writing, some interesting ideas. 8/10

All in all a good month, hope to get a job very soon (sometime after December, got a January 1th deadline that's taking up all my time... well that and a new girlfriend...).

Monday, December 15, 2003

Ladies and gents, I bring you text porn, the way Bill Gates like it..

(actually a short story by Warren Ellis, great read.)

Friday, December 12, 2003

Watchmen to start filming in 2004?

"a large action film...". Hope I'm not the only one finding that VERY troubling. It should be a thriller movie with action elements for christ's sake!

Bah, at least we got the new Batman film to look forward to. Looks like it'll turn out to be the best Superhero movie yet.
Rich Johnston's Waiting For Tommy runs a new "campaign".

I find it quite interesting and he does raise some fairly good points.
Most teens would like to rebel against their parents, and it might be cool "fun" way to drag them in and get them reading comics.

My main "problem" with this is that it has actually been done before, though in older days(a different world some might say) and not with good intentions.

I'm talking about when "Seduction of the Innocent" came out. Did that boost comic sales?

I, honestly, do not know, but it's a thing to take into consideration.

Still, a good idea.

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